(C)Leo and Milo

(C)Leo and Milo

Cleo and Miloo000
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Cleo and Milo are a fab pair of male rabbits. They have been neutered and were succesfully bonded back together.  They love each other and will make a great already bonded pair.  Cleo and Milo are both extremely laid back and a really super pair. Their coats will need very regular grooming and when they came in they were matted but allowed us to groom them without any trouble and the rest was done under anaesthetic.

Cleo and Milo previously lived outside but have been living inside with us so will need to continue living inside until they can be acclimatised outside. Since coming in they have learnt to use their litter trays. We think they would make fab indoor rabbits but indoor or outdoor they are going to need an owner committed to lots of regular grooming.

A hutch is not enough for any rabbit Please check out Home | Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund (RWAF) for ideas. We will not consider rehoming to a house that does not exceed the minimum size requirements of 3mx2m or where our rabbits will not be as part of a pair, as a minimum.

Mrs Tiggywinkle has been rehomed

18 December, 2019


23 January, 2025


7 July, 2023


12 January, 2025

Update on Lily

27 December, 2023


12 October, 2024

(Side Show) Bob – needs time to adjust to any new owner/home so the process will be a slow one

20 February, 2024


2 August, 2024


28 September, 2023


12 January, 2025