Another busy Saturday

We’ve another busy Saturday ahead with 14 animals off to their new homes.  Fortunately a lot of them are cats as we have a huge waiting list of cats to come in. We often get asked if we are sad when the animals leave us.  That’s a difficult question, it is after all what we’re…

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The wonder of mother nature

Yesterday we took in three kittens about 3 or 4 weeks old that were found by the road side.  Apparently healthy, and certainly with healthy appetites. Lucille had just finished feeding her 5 so we though we’d see if she would help us out.  She wasn’t a natural mother when her kittens were born, she…

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Plant Sale preparations

Our plant sale is always very popular and Karen has been planting seeds since before the last one.  Her long suffering husband has decided the only way forward is a poly tunnel as they have no more window sills, or space for that matter in their house and garden.  So today a massive 25 x…

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Vet visit day – It’s going to be a long one!

So today one of the vets from Galedin will be down pulling their hair out.  We have 15 cat vaccinations, 8 dog vaccinations and an additional 6 check ups.  Of course to help matters nearly all the cats are black or black and white just to complicate matters.  They are all microchipped and it will…

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“I could never put my animal into rescue……..”

Rescue animals come in for all sorts of reasons, the minority is your stereotypical dumped, abandoned, unwanted.  For many bringing animals in to us it is a heart wrenching decision which causes upset past the initial bringing in.    Many owners have brought animals in because for one reason or another finance, or lack of…

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Catching up

Catching up after the open day this last weekend is taking it’s time.  With the applications for the puppies to go through (and there’s a lot of them), home checks for lots of the dogs, microchipping of all the kittens so we know who is who and having a full kennels, cattery, Hop Inn and…

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Open Day

We had our open day on Saturday (28th October). To say it was busy was an understatement. Lots of people in looking at our animals. Of course the kittens and puppies attracted the most visitors. Poor Archie once again getting overlooked for the younger or prettier dogs. (I know beauty is in the eye of…

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Vet visit day

We are lucky to have our vets, Galedin, so close.  It’s vet visit today.  Nothing particularly exciting.  14 vaccinations and check ups plus we’re a bit concerned about one of our rabbits so a check over by the vet will hopefully sort that out.  Fortunately today is not the day for all the kittens to…

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BARK becomes Associate of ADCH

B.A.R.K. works closely with rescue near and far.  The Association of Dogs and Cats Homes promotes best practice in animal welfare for dogs and cats.  It’s members are dedicated to dog rescue and cat rescue and BARK is proud to be a member of the ADCH.

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BARK News 11th August 2016

Even though we haven’t chosen the name for the dogs in the kennels at the moment there is a bit of a theme, we have Billy, Chillie and Milly and Charlie, Marley and Charlie.  It can be a bit of a tongue twister, especial as the ‘groups’ tend to be out on their walks together. …

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